Southern California Pipe Trades District Council 16
Leading the piping industry for over a century!
District Council 16 is a group of dedicated hard-working men and women striving toward the same goals of job security, health and welfare benefits, a living wage, a safe working environment, a comfortable pension and dignity for all members because the voices of many are louder than the voices of an individual.

Journeyman Upgrade Training
All Journeymen are required to complete
16 hours of approved training through the A&J Training Trust between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025.
For information regarding classes and requirements, please visit the A&J website or call the A&J Office at (310) 604-0892.
Useful Information
Southern California Pipe Trades
Administrative Corporation
For any questions regarding:
Health and Welfare
​Pension and Death Benefits
Vacation and Holiday
​Hours Accumulated
Address Change
Please contact the SCPTAC aka Trust Fund
at (800) 595-7473 or (213) 385-6161